Wednesday, June 15, 2011

In the Beginning...

It is a normal Tuesday afternoon at work. I had the thought of going to the Save-A-Thon to buy yarn and supplies that I may need lingering in my mind. Then 5 minutes later "I'm going to knit!". I tried knitting once...didn't go well. I bought a DVD that made me feel ready and excited but I could not seem to grasp it! My mind wouldn't allow it! My anger and frustration burned me and the impression that I had about knitting. My mind raced! I am a devout crocheter. I take my crocheting very serious! Nothing can turn me anyway. Knitting is stupid I yelled to myself and others! I spent eight dollars on a pair of chopsticks!

So what caused me to walk into Save-A-Thon, pick out my yarn, linger in the book section and pick up a book that teaches knitting? What made me pick out two extra pairs of needles? Why now do I believe that I can knit? I don't know the answer to any of these. Well...I bought extra needles because they were on sale. All I knew was I was going to do it. I was a teeny tiny bit hesitant about investing money into this once again. I was a mad woman with a mind set on conquering these tricky needles!

Later that evening my husband and I retired to the bedroom but I brought with me my "I taught myself Knitting" package. I read the directions and gave it a try with only a few grunts and a "WHAT DO THEY MEAN....oh" and was able to cast on using the two needle method (that other one was very confusing). I was super excited but not too much. My last attempt I was able to cast on but could not get past that point. I take a breathe...sigh... here we go. The Knit Stitch. I read the instructions very slowly. The last time I was watching "I Can't Believe I'm Knitting" and it was awful for me. My body twitched and my heart jumped after every stitch moving to the right needle until finally....TAAADAAAAA! I COMPLETED MY FIRST ROW! Oh the excitement, the love, the craze I felt for my new passion! With a squeaky, "BABE! I CAN KNIT!", I bounce on the bed like it is Christmas excited to share my victorious dance with my husband who is genuinely proud of me. I grin a very childish grin and make ANOTHER row before putting aside my needles and go to sleep.

Today I started from scratch at work showing the kids what I was making and explaining to them my new "trick". They love watching me crochet so seeing that I had TWO "sticks". What made it more exciting to them was learning  it was something I did quickly. 

It isn't perfect. I spot these smooth spots in some areas. If anyone can tell me what that is it would be much appreciated. My stitch count is the same. I do not hold my needles with much grace. In fact, while I am working up this soon-to-be scarf I am reminded of a child just learning to feed himself and how awkward he holds his utensils. However, I am not without hope! I will be a great knitter as I am a crocheter. I simply love knitting...I guess I am Sold Out!

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